- Wikipedia on AI, includes a paragraph on "neats" and "scruffies".
- Desire-lines & Emergent paths: a light-hearted presentation of a predictive model / apparently it wasn't Berkeley, Irvine, or the Oregon Experiment who tried to use it... has anyone actually tried it?
- Craig Reynolds' boids / Steering Behaviours (the individual steering behaviour examples are essential viewing) / an HP labs tech report on not evolving collective behaviour for fish / well explained pseudocode for boids / my quick 2D processing implementation of the pseudocode (commented code and 3D version available on request).
- Pedestrian Simulation: Alasdair Turner's EVAS agents / my post on the MSc VE weblog about a pedestrian sim project in the Alps / Crowd Dynamics (the design is terrible, but click main menu and scroll down to the "Myriad" section).
- Brandeis's DEMO lab: The Golem Project / Evolutionary Design / Evolution of Buildable Objects (LEGO)
- Stigmergy: a good academic intro (pdf, HTML summary here) / Dan Ladley's termite constructions.
- Karl Sims: evolved creatures / the "blockies" MPEG / a retrospective.
- The books I mentioned, all very accessible: Valentino Braitenberg's Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology / Mitchel Resnick's Turtles, Termites and Traffic Jams / Steven Johnson's Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software.
- The software/libraries I mentioned: steering behaviours work has spun off into a free open source library called Open Steer / Breve is a 3D environment for the simulation of decentralized systems and artificial life / Framsticks doesn't require programming knowledge / there is a demo of BEAST at David Gordon's homepage.