Clayton James Cubitt is "one of a new breed of photographers no longer content to draw a distinction between the worlds of fashion, art, and porn" apparently. He also has an eye for generative artwork, and my Processing experiments with attractors and particles were enticing enough for him to get in touch and ask for more. A weekend of hacking and a flurry of emails produced user-unfriendly software which would produce images at print resolution, and then I left the rest to Clayton. Witness the fruits of our collaboration in the denim issue of Metropop magazine. I'm really pleased with how it's turned out, and you should definitely check out the rest of his work if you like what you see there.
Staying with photography, (but not at the professional/fashion end of the spectrum) Jim, my most well-travelled of friends, is posting a series of great and varied photos at Flickr, with especially flowery captions. I like! Plus, today he grabbed chocolate as his URL, which must be something of a coup as Flickr hits the mainstream.